January 26, 2022

5 Ways DIY Estate Plans Can Fail & Leave Your Family At Risk—Part 1

Do a Google search for “digital wills” or “online estate […]
November 3, 2021

2021 Estate Planning Checkup: Is Your Estate Plan Up to Date?

Even if you put a totally solid estate plan in […]
October 27, 2021

Why You Need a Trust – Even if You Aren’t Rich

When you hear the words, “trust fund,” do you conjure […]
October 20, 2021

With Tax Laws in Flux: What Should You Do Now?

On September 13, 2021, Democrats in the House of Representatives […]
October 13, 2021

House Democrats Propose Sweeping New Changes To Tax Laws That Stand To Have Major Impact On Estate Planning—Part 1

On September 13, 2021, Democrats in the House of Representatives […]
October 6, 2021

A Not-So-Happy Accident: Bob Ross’s Estate Planning Failures Leave His Son With Next to Nothing—Part 2

As the host of the wildly popular The Joy of […]